Old Testament

New Testament

Timotiyos 1 3:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Trustworthy is the dvar Emes: if anyone aspires to the congregational office of Mashgiach Ruchani (Spiritual Overseer) over the Adat Hashem (Congregation of G-d), he desires a good task.

2. It is necessary, therefore, for the congregational Mashgiach Ruchani to be without reproach, ba'al isha echat (a one woman man/master, see OJB p.258, 1Sm 2:22-25, i.e., kedushah and tahorah characterized by heterosexuality, exclusivity, and fidelity), drug-free and clear-headed, a man of seichel, practiced in derech eretz and hachnosas orchim (hospitality), skillful as a rabbinic moreh (yeshiva teacher),

3. Not a shikkor (drunkard) indulging in much wine, not violent but forbearing and eidel (gentle, courteous), not a ba'al machlokes (quarrelsome person), not a gelt-loving kamtzan (miser).

4. He must be a ba'al bayit who can manage his own household well, having his banim (children) in submission with all respect.

5. Now if anyone does not have da'as of how to manage his own bais, how will he be a menahel ruchani (spiritual administrator) who can give oversight to the Kehillah of Hashem?

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