Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 7:2-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. For with what gezar din (verdict) you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you.

3. And why do you see the speck in the eye of your Ach [b'Moshiach], but you do not consider the beam in your own eye.

4. Or how will you say to your Ach [b'Moshiach], Let me take the speck out from your eye! (And, hinei! The beam is in your own eye!)

5. Tzevua (hypocrite), first take the beam out of your eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take out the speck from the eye of your Ach [b'Moshiach].

6. Do not give the kodesh to kelevim nor throw your pearls before chazirim, lest they will trample them with their feet and turn around and tear you into pieces.

7. Keep asking and it shall be given to you; keep searching and you shall find; keep knocking and the delet shall be opened to you.

8. For everyone asking receives, and the one searching finds, and to the one knocking the delet will be opened.

9. Or what man is there among you the ben of whom will ask for lechem (bread), and he will give him a stone.

10. Or if he asks for a dag (fish), will give him a nachash (snake)?

11. Therefore, if you, being ra'im (evil ones), know to give matanot tovot (good gifts) to your yeladim, how much more does your Av shbaShomayim give hatov (the good) to the ones asking Him.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 7