Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 27:35-44 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

35. When they had hanged Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach on HAETZ, they divided up Moshiach's garments among themselves, casting lots;

36. And, sitting down, they began to keep watch over him there.

37. They put up above his head the charge against him which read, THIS IS YEHOSHUA, MELECH HAYEHUDIM.

38. At that time, two shodedim were each hanged on his own etz with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, one on the right and one on the left.

39. And those passing by were hurling insults at Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, wagging their heads,

40. And saying, You who are going to cause the churban (destruction) of the Beis Hamikdash and rebuild it in shloshah yamim (three days), save yourself! If you are the Ben HaElohim, come down from HAETZ (the Tree).

41. Likewise, also the Rashei Hakohanim along with the Sofrim and Zekenim, were mocking him, and saying,

42. He saved others; yet himself he is not able to save. He is Melech Yisroel? Let him now come down from the Etz, and we shall have emunah in him.

43. He trusts in Hashem; let Hashem be his Moshi'a (Deliverer) and deliver him now, if Hashem takes pleasure in him, for this one said, Ben HaElohim Ani!

44. And the shodedim (robbers), hanging, each on his etz, with him, were casting similar insults at Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, reproaching him.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 27