Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 26:35-43 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

35. Kefa says to him, Even if it is necessary for me to die al kiddush ha-Shem with you, by no means will I deny you. Likewise all the talmidim spoke also.

36. Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes with them to a place being called Gat-Shmanim, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to the talmidim, Sit here until I go over there and daven.

37. And having taken Kefa and the two sons of Zavdai, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to be sorrowful and distressed with agmat nefesh (grief).

38. Then he says to them, My nefesh is deadly grieved, even to the point of mavet. Remain here and stay awake with me.

39. And having gone forward a short distance, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach fell upon his face, davening and saying, Avi, if it is possible, let this Kos pass from me. But not as I will, but as you will (Mt 6:10; 12:50).

40. Then he comes to the talmidim and finds them sleeping, and he says to Kefa, So were you not strong enough to be awake for one hour with me?

41. Stay awake and offer tefillos, lest you enter lidey nisayon (Mt 6:13). Indeed the ruach is willing but the basar is weak.

42. Again, for a second time, having left, he davened, saying, Avi, if it is not possible for this to pass by except I drink it, let yeaseh rtzonechah (your will be done). [Mt 6:10]

43. And having come again, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach found the talmidim sleeping, for their eyes were too heavy to stay open.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 26