Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 21:30-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

30. And having approached the other son, the man spoke similarly. But the second son, in reply, said, I will go, Adoni. Yet he did not go.

31. Which of the two did the ratzon haAv (the will of the Father)? They say, The rishon (the first). Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, Omein, I say to you, that the mochesim (tax-collectors) and the zonot (prostitutes) are going in ahead of you into the Malchut Hashem.

32. For Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva came to you in the Derech Tzidkat Hashem (Way of Righteousness), and you did not believe him. But the mochesim and the zonot believed him. But you, even after you saw, did not change your mind [i.e., make teshuva] and believe him.

33. Listen to another mashal. There was a man, a Baal Bayit, who planted a kerem (vineyard). And he put a fence around it, and he dug a yekev (winepress) in it, and built a migdal (tower) and leased it to koremim (vinekeepers) and departed.

34. And when the time of the Katsir (Harvest) came, the Baal Bayit sent his servants to the koremim to receive the pri (fruit).

35. And the koremim, having seized his servants, one they beat, another they killed, and another they stoned.

36. And the Baal Bayit sent other servants, more than the rishonim (first ones), and the koremim did the same thing to them.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 21