Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 14:29-32 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, Boh! (Come!) And having gone down from the sirah (boat), Kefa walked al pnei hamayim (on the surface of the waters) and came toward him.

30. And seeing the strong wind, Kefa was afraid, and having begun to sink, Kefa cried out, saying, Azreini! Adoni, hoshieini! (Help! L-rd, save me!)

31. And immediately Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having stretched out (his) hand, took hold of Kefa and says to him, One of little emunah, why did you doubt?

32. And as they were going up into the sirah (boat), the wind became still.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 14