Old Testament

New Testament

Mattityahu 12:30-35 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

30. The one not with me [Moshiach] is against me [anti-Moshiach]. And the one not gathering with me scatters.

31. Therefore, I say to you, every chet (sin) and gidduf (blasphemy) will be forgiven men, but whoever commits Chillul Hashem against the Ruach Hakodesh will not be forgiven.

32. And whoever speaks a word against the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach] will be granted selicha (forgiveness), but whoever speaks against the Ruach Hakodesh, selicha will not be granted him either in the Olam Hazeh or in the Olam Habah.

33. Either make the etz (tree) tov (good) and its pri (fruit) will be tov, or make the etz nishchat (corrupt) and its pri will be rah; for by its pri the etz is known.

34. You banim of nechashim (sons of snakes), how are you able to speak tovot (good things), for out of the abundance of the lev (heart) the mouth speaks.

35. The ish tov (good man) out of the good otzar (treasure) brings forth good; and the ish rah out of the evil otzar brings forth evil.

Read complete chapter Mattityahu 12