Old Testament

New Testament

Markos 5:1-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And they came to the other side of the lake, to the country of the Gerasenes.

2. And as soon as Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach stepped out of the sirah (boat), ofen ort (immediately), a man with a ruach hatumah from the kevarim (tombs) of the burial caves met him.

3. This man had (his) dwelling among the kevarim. And no one could keep him tied any longer, even with sharsherot (chains, fetters);

4. Because often he had been bound with shackles and the shackles had been torn apart by him, and no one had the koach (power) to subdue him.

5. And constantly, yomam valailah (day and night), among the kevarim and in the mountains, he was crying out and beating himself with stones.

6. And, having seen Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from afar, he ran and fell down before him.

7. And having cried out with a kol gadol (loud voice), he says, Mah lanu valach, Yehoshua, Ben HaElohim HaElyon? I implore you by Hashem, [do] not torment me.

8. For Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had been saying to him, Come out of the man, ruach hatumah (unclean spirit)!

9. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was questioning him, saying, What is your name? And he says to him, Legion [is] my name, for we are many!

10. And he begged Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach again and again not to exorcise him and banish him from that place.

11. Now there was a large herd of chazirim feeding nearby on the hillside.

12. And they (the ruchot hatemeiot, the shedim) implored Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying, Send us into the chazirim, so that we may go into them.

Read complete chapter Markos 5