Old Testament

New Testament

Markos 10:29-40 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. Yehoshua said, Omein, I say to you, there is no one who left bais or achim or achayot or em or abba or banim or sadot (fields) for the sake of me and for the sake of the Besuras HaGeulah,

30. But that he shall receive a hundredfold now in the Olam Hazeh, batim (houses) and achim and achayot and imahot and banim and sadot with redifot (persecutions); and in Olam Habah, Chayyei Olam.

31. And many Rishonim (First Ones) will be Acharonim (Last Ones); and the Acharonim, will be Rishonim.

32. And they were on the derech making aliyah leregel (pilgrimage) to Yerushalayim, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was leading out, walking ahead of them, and they were astounded, and the ones following were afraid. And again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach took the Shneym Asar aside for a yechidus and began to tell them what was to happen to him,

33. Saying, Hinei, we are making aliyah leregel to Yerushalayim, and the Ben Adam will be betrayed to the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim and they will condemn him with onesh mavet (death penalty) and will hand him over to the Goyim.

34. And they will mock him and spit on him and scourge him and will kill [him], and after his histalkus (passing), on Yom HaShlishi, he in his Techiyas HaMoshiach from HaMesim will stand up alive again.

35. And Yaakov and Yochanan, the banim of Zavdai, approached Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying to him, Rebbe, we wish that whatever bakosha we may ask you, you may do for us.

36. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, What do you wish me to do for you?

37. And they said to him, Grant to us that one may sit limin (at the right hand) of you and one lismol (at the left hand) in your kavod.

38. But he said to them, You do not have daas of what you ask. Are you able to drink the kos which I drink or to undergo my tevilah? [IYOV 38:2]

39. And they said to him, We are able. And he said to them, The kos which I drink you shall drink; and you shall have the tevilah in which I am submerged.

40. But to sit limin or lismol of me is not mine to grant, but for the ones for whom it has been prepared.

Read complete chapter Markos 10