Old Testament

New Testament

Lukas 4:18-33 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. RUACH ADONAI HASHEM ALAI YAAN MASHACH ADONAI OTI LEVASER ANAVIM SHELACHANI LIKRO LISHVUYIM DEROR, and to the blind PEKACH KOACH, VSHALACH RETZUTZIM CHAFSHIM, (The Spirit of the Sovereign L-rd is upon me because He anointed me to preach Besuras HaGeulah to the poor, He has sent me to preach to the captives release and to the blind the recovery of sight, to set the oppressed free [YESHAYAH 61:1-2; 58:6],

19. LIKRO SHENAT RATZON LAHASHEM (To preach the year of Hashem's favor.) [YESHAYAH 61:1,2 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM; VAYIKRA 25:10; TEHILLIM 102:20, 103:6; YESHAYAH 42:7, 49:8,9]

20. And doing the glilah ceremony, he rolled up the megillah; and, having given it back to the shammash, he sat down [to teach]. And all the eyes in the shul were focused on him.

21. And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach began to speak to them, Hayom (today) this dvar of the Kitvei Hakodesh has been fulfilled in your hearing.

22. And everyone was speaking well of him, and they were amazed at the divrei Chen coming out of his mouth and they were saying, Can this be Ben Yosef?

23. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Muz zain (no doubt) you will speak this mashal to me: Rofeh, heal yourself. Everything we heard that happened in Kfar-Nachum, do also here in your shtetl.

24. But he said, Omein, I say to you that no navi is welcome in his own shtetl, in his own eretz moledet (homeland).

25. Omein, I tell you, there were many almanot in Yisroel in the yamim of Eliyahu HaNavi, when Shomayim was shut up for shalosh shanim and shishah chodashim (three years and six months), when a great famine occurred over all the land, [MELACHIM ALEF 17:1]

26. And to not one of them was Eliyahu HaNavi sent except to Tzarfat of Tzidon to an isha, an almanah.

27. And many metzoraim (lepers) were in Yisroel during the time of Elisha HaNavi, and not one of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.

28. And hearing these things, all in the shul were filled with ka'as (anger).

29. And they got up and drove Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach outside the shtetl; and they led him up to the top of the hill upon which the shtetl had been built, and they were intending to throw him down. [BAMIDBAR 15:35]

30. But having gone through the midst of them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was walking away.

31. And Moshiach went down to Kfar-Nachum, a shtetl of the Galil. And he was saying them shiurim on the Shabbatot.

32. And they were amazed at his torah, because Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach's dvar torah was with samchut (authority).

33. And in the shul there was a man having a ruach hatameh (unclean spirit, shed, demon) and it let out a shrai (scream).

Read complete chapter Lukas 4