Old Testament

New Testament

Lukas 4:11-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. And upon their hands they will lift you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. [TEHILLIM 91:11,12]

12. And in reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to Hasatan, It says, LO TENASSU ES HASHEM ELOHEICHEM, (Do not put to the test Hashem your G-d. Dt 6:16)

13. And after Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach completed all nisayonos, Hasatan went away from him until an opportune time.

14. And in the gevurat HaRuach Hakodesh, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach returned to the Galil. And a report went out throughout all the surrounding countryside about him.

15. And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was saying shiurim in their shuls and eliciting a peledike response (reaction of marveling) from everyone.

16. And he came to Natzeret, the shtetl of his guddal and he entered according to his minhag on Shabbos into the shul and was given an aliyah as the Baal Koreh.

17. [After the Hagbah], he was presented with the megillat sefer Yeshayah and having unrolled the megillah, he found the dvar where it had been written,

18. RUACH ADONAI HASHEM ALAI YAAN MASHACH ADONAI OTI LEVASER ANAVIM SHELACHANI LIKRO LISHVUYIM DEROR, and to the blind PEKACH KOACH, VSHALACH RETZUTZIM CHAFSHIM, (The Spirit of the Sovereign L-rd is upon me because He anointed me to preach Besuras HaGeulah to the poor, He has sent me to preach to the captives release and to the blind the recovery of sight, to set the oppressed free [YESHAYAH 61:1-2; 58:6],

19. LIKRO SHENAT RATZON LAHASHEM (To preach the year of Hashem's favor.) [YESHAYAH 61:1,2 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM; VAYIKRA 25:10; TEHILLIM 102:20, 103:6; YESHAYAH 42:7, 49:8,9]

Read complete chapter Lukas 4