Old Testament

New Testament

Lukas 2:48-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

48. And when his horim (parents) saw him, they were astounded, and his Em (mother) said to him, Beni, why did you do thus to us? Hinei, your abba and I were anxiously looking for you.

49. And he said to them, Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not have daas that I must be in the Beis Avi [i.e., dealing with His affairs]?

50. And they did not have binah of the dvar which he spoke to them.

51. And he went down with them, and they came to Natzeret; and he continued in mishmaat (obedience) to his horim (parents). And his Em (mother) was treasuring all these things in her lev (heart).

52. And Yehoshua kept increasing in chochmah VGADEL VATOV GAM IM HASHEM VGAM IM ANASHIM (and stature and favor with Hashem and men, SHMUEL ALEF 2:26).

Read complete chapter Lukas 2