Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Rome 9:7-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. Nor is it as though all the banim of K'lal Yisroel are the ZERA of Avraham Avinu, but (as it is written) BEYITZCHAK YIKARE L'CHA ZERA ("In Yitzchak shall your seed be called, named, summoned" BERESHIS 21:12).

8. That is, it is not the b'nei habasar (old humanity without hitkhadshut) who are the b'nei HaElohim (children of G-d) but the b'nei HaHavtachah (children of the promise) who are reckoned as ZERA (seed, children, including the right of the heir in relation to the father).

9. For this word is one of havtachah (promise): KA'ET SHOV ASHUV UL'SARAH BEN ("About this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son" BERESHIS 18:10,14).

10. Not only so, but also in the case of Rivkah (Isaac's wife) who conceived by the one act of sexual intercourse with Yitzchak Avinu.

11. For when they were not yet born nor had they done anything tov or rah, in order that the etzah (wisdom) of the tochnit Hashem (purposeful and willed plan of G-d Ro 8:28) should stand in terms of bechirah (divine election, selection, choosing),

12. Not from Ma'asim (Works) but from the One who makes the kri'ah (divine summons, call), it was said to her, RAV YA'AVOD TZA'IR ("the elder will serve the younger" BERESHIS 25:23),

13. As it is written, VA'OHAV ES YA'AKOV V'ES ESAV SANEITI ("Ya'akov have I loved, but Esau have I hated" MALACHI 1:2-3).

14. What then shall we say? There is no avla (injustice) with G-d, is there? Chas v'shalom!

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