Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Rome 8:10-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. And if Moshiach is in you, the body (of the basar) is dead because of sin [5:12] but the Ruach [Hakodesh] is life for you because of Tzedek (righteousness [cf. Ro 5:18].

11. But if the Ruach Hakodesh of Him who gave Yehoshua Techiyah (Resurrection) from the Mesim dwells in you, He who raised Moshiach from the Mesim will give Chayyim to your mortal bodies as well, through His indwelling Ruach Hakodesh in you.

12. So then, Achim b'Moshiach, we are under no obligation to the basar to live in accordance with the basar.

13. For if you live in accordance with the basar (old fallen humanity under slave master Chet Kadmon) you will certainly die; but if by the Ruach Hakodesh you put to death the [shameful] acts of the body, you will live.

14. For as many as are led by the Ruach HaElohim, they are bnei HaElohim.

15. For you did not receive a spirit of avdut, falling back into pachad (fear); but you received the Ruach of Mishpat HaBanim (Adoption), having Ma'amad HaBanim (the standing as Sons [9:4]), by which we cry, "Abba, Avinu"!

16. The Ruach Hakodesh himself bears eidus (witness) with our [regenerate, Yn 3:6] ruach that we are bnei HaElohim.

17. And if bnei HaElohim, then also yoreshim (heirs) of G-d and co-heirs (Ro 4:13) together with Moshiach, provided that we suffer with him in order that we might also be set in kavod (glory, eschatological glorification) with him.

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