Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Rome 7:18-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

18. For I have da'as that there dwells in me, that is, in my basar (my fallen humanity enslaved to Chet Kadmon) no good thing; for the wish [to do what is right] lies ready at hand for me, but to accomplish the good is not.

19. For I fail to do good as I wish, but HaRah (The Evil) which I do not wish is what I commit.

20. But if what I do not wish is that which I do, it is no longer I doing it but [the power of] Chet (Sin, Chet Kadmon, Original Sin) which dwells within me (cf. Ro 8:7-8).

21. I find then it be a law that for me who wishes to do HaTov (The Good), that for me HaRah (The Evil) lies ready at hand.

22. For I rejoice, I have simcha Torah in the Torah of Hashem, so far as the inner man is concerned,

23. But I see another Chok (decree, law) in my natural capacities at milchamah (war) with the Torah of my mind and making me a prisoner to the Chok (law) of Chet (Sin) which is [a power] in my natural capacities.

24. Wretched man am I! Who will deliver me from the body of this mavet (death)?

25. Hodu l'Hashem (thanks be to G-d) baMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu. So then I myself with my mind serve the Torah of Hashem and with my basar I serve the Chok of Chet (the Law of Sin). [T.N. The total spiritual turnaround here described is when the conviction of the intellect, emotion, and will "obey from the heart the form of doctrine laid out here in Scripture" as we are born anew in the humanity of the new Man and die to the old depraved Adam.]

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