Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Rome 7:16-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. But if that which I do is what I do not want, I agree with the Torah that the Torah is good.

17. But now it is no longer I doing this, but [the power of] Chet (Sin) which dwells within me.

18. For I have da'as that there dwells in me, that is, in my basar (my fallen humanity enslaved to Chet Kadmon) no good thing; for the wish [to do what is right] lies ready at hand for me, but to accomplish the good is not.

19. For I fail to do good as I wish, but HaRah (The Evil) which I do not wish is what I commit.

20. But if what I do not wish is that which I do, it is no longer I doing it but [the power of] Chet (Sin, Chet Kadmon, Original Sin) which dwells within me (cf. Ro 8:7-8).

21. I find then it be a law that for me who wishes to do HaTov (The Good), that for me HaRah (The Evil) lies ready at hand.

22. For I rejoice, I have simcha Torah in the Torah of Hashem, so far as the inner man is concerned,

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