Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Philippi 3:11-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. If somehow I may attain to the Techiyas HaMesim.

12. Not that already I obtained or already have been made shleimut, but I pursue this tachlis (final end, aim) that I may lay hold of [1Ti 6:12,19 cf. Pp 2:6] that for which I was laid hold of by Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua [Ac 9:5-6].

13. Achim b'Moshiach, I do not consider myself to have laid hold (3:12); but one zach (thing) I do, forgetting the things behind, and stretching forward to the things ahead,

14. According to the tachlis I pursue the prize of the Shomayim Aliyah ascent of Hashem, the upward k'riah (call) of HaShem b'Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua (2K 1:10; 2:12).

15. Therefore, as many as would be shleimut, let us think like this (2:5-8): and if in anything your machshavot (thoughts) are different [Mt 5:48; 2C 2:6], even this Hashem will reveal to you.

16. Fort (nevertheless), let us march in line with what we have attained, let us hold to the same [Ga 6:16].

17. Achim b'Moshiach, together be imitators of me [1C 4:16; 11:1]. Take note of the ones walking as you have a mofet in us [2:5-30; 1Th 1:7; 1K 5:3].

18. For many, of whom I was often telling you, and now also I say with weeping, walk as oyvim (enemies) of Moshiach's Etz [DEVARIM 21:23; 27:26; Ga 3:13; 1C 1:23; Ga 6:12 cf Pp 2:8].

19. Their destined end [TEHILLIM 73:17] is churban (destruction, Gehinnom). Their g-d is their appetite [Ro 16:18], and their kavod, what they glory in, is their bushah (shame). Their machshavot are set on the Olam Hazeh [Ro 8:5-6].

20. But the torat haEzrakhut (citizenship-see 1:27) we conduct exists in Shomayim [Ep 2:6; MJ 12:22; Ga 4:26; 6:16], from where also we eagerly await a Moshi'a (Savior), a Go'el, Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua,

21. Who will transfigure the basar of our humiliation into the demut of the mode of being of the guf kavod of Moshiach, according to the pe'ulah (action, work--1:6; 2:13) of his ko'ach (power) [Ro 8:29;1C 15:43 53], even to the subjecting of all things to himself [1C 15:28]. [T.N. The joyous tone of this letter is miraculous, given the fact that Rav Sha'ul is, as he is writing it, in danger of capital punishment by decapitation at anytime and without warning. But Sha'ul selflessly thinks about two quarreling women and the danger their quarrel poses to the kehillah in Philippi. He seems to have been leading up to this statement in 4:2: "I appeal to Euodias and I appeal to Syntyche, think the same thing in Adoneinu." ]

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