Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Galatia 3:2-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. This one thing only I want to learn from you: did you receive the Ruach HaKodesh by means of chukim of the Torah (laws of Torah) or by means of the hearing of emunah?

3. You lack seichel; having begun in the Ruach HaKodesh, will you now be perfected in the basar?

4. Did you suffer so many things lashav (in vain)? --if it really was lashav.

5. So then, Hashem who is supplying to you the Ruach HaKodesh and producing nifla'ot (miracles) among you, by what means does He do it, by chukim of the Torah or by the hearing of emunah?

6. Just as Avraham Avinu HE'EMIN BA'HASHEM VAYACHSHEVEHA LO TZDAKAH ("believed Hashem and it [his faith] was accounted to him for righteousness" BERESHIS 15:6),

7. Know then, that the Bnei HaEmunah, these ones are the Bnei Avraham Avinu!

8. And the Kitvei HaKodesh, having foreseen that Hashem would yatzdik (justify) the Goyim by emunah, preached the Besuras HaGeulah beforehand to Avraham Avinu, saying "VENIVRECHU VO KOL GOYEI HA'ARETZ ("All the families, peoples of the earth will be blessed in you" BERESHIS 18:18; 12:3).

9. For this reason, the ones of emunah receive the bracha (blessing) with Avraham Avinu hama'amin (the believer).

10. For as many as are (seeking "YITZDAK IM HASHEM") by chukim of the Torah are under a kelalah (curse); for it has been written, ARUR ASHER LO YAKIM ES DIVREI HATORAH HAZOT LA'ASOT OTAM ("Cursed is everyone who does not uphold, abide by all the words of this Torah to do them, to carry them out" DEVARIM 27:26; cf Ya 2:10).

11. Now it is clear that not one person is YITZDAK IM HASHEM ("justified with G-d") by the Torah, because V'TZADDIK BE'EMUNATO YICHEYEH ("the righteous by his faith will live" CHABAKUK 2:4).

12. But the Torah is not of emunah, but the man YA'ASEH OTAM VACHAI ("who does these things will live" by them VAYIKRA 18:5).

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