Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Galatia 3:14-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. In order that to the Goyim the Bracha of Avraham Avinu might come by Moshiach Yehoshua, that the havtachah (promise) of the Ruach haKodesh we might receive through emunah.

15. Achim B'Moshiach, I speak according to human dimyon (analogy). Even a brit (covenant) having been confirmed by Bnei Adam no one sets aside or adds to it.

16. Now to Avraham Avinu were spoken the havtachot (promises) and to his ZERA ("seed" BERESHIS 22:18). He does not say V'LIZERAEHCHAH ("and to your seeds"), as concerning many, but as concerning one, "and to the ZERA of you", and that ZERA is Moshiach.

17. And this I say: a brit (covenant), which was previously confirmed by Hashem, cannot be annulled so as to abolish the havtachah (promise) by the Mattan Torah --which was given arba me'ot usheloshim shanah [four hundred and thirty years later SHEMOT 12:40]).

18. For if the nachalah (inheritance) is based on Torah, it is no longer based on havtachah (promise); but Hashem has given the nachalah to Avraham Avinu by havtachah (promise).

19. Why then the Mattan Torah (Giving of the Torah)? The Torah was added because of peysha'im, until the ZERA (Moshiach) should come to whom the havtachah had been made (BERESHIS 22:18). Now the Torah was administered through malachim (DEVARIM 33:2; TEHILLIM 68:18) by the hand of a metavech (VAYIKRA 26:46; BAMIDBAR 36:13).

20. Now the metavech is not for only one, but Elohim hu echad (DEVARIM 6:4).

21. Is the Torah, mimeila (consequently, as a result), against the havtachot (promises) of Hashem? Chas v'Shalom (G-d forbid!)! For if Torah had been given that had the ko'ach (power) to affect hitkhadshut (regeneration), then to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM ("justified with G-d") would indeed have been based on chukim of the Torah.

22. But the Kitvei HaKodesh consigned all things under HaChet (Sin) [Ro 3:9], that the havtachah (promise) might be given by emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to the ma'aminim.

23. But before Emunah came, we were being held in custody, being confined and guarded for the about-to-be revealed Emunah.

24. This is the result: the Torah functioned as our omenet (governess) to lead us to Moshiach, that by emunah we might be YITZDAK IM HASHEM.

25. But Emunah having come, we are no longer under an omenet (governess).

26. For through emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, you are all yeladim of Elohim.

27. For as many as have had a tevilah into Moshiach have clothed yourselves with Moshiach.

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