Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Corinth 1 7:1-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now, concerning the things in your iggeret, let's take up the next inyan (topic): "it is beneficial for a man not to touch an isha" [i.e., postpone the chasunoh (wedding)].

2. But, because of the acts of zenut, let each Ben Adam have his own Isha, and let each Isha have her own Ba'al (Husband).

3. Let the ba'al render the conjugal choiv (debt) to his isha, and likewise also the isha to her ba'al (husband).

4. It is not the isha who has samchut (authority) over her own body, but the ba'al (husband); likewise, also it is not the ba'al (husband) who has samchut over his own body, but the isha.

5. Do not deprive each other, unless by agreement for a set time, that you may renew zerizut (diligence) to tefillah (prayer) and again you may be together, lest Hasatan lead you into nissayon (temptation) because of your lack of shlitah atzmi (self-control). [SHEMOT 19:15; SHMUEL ALEF 21:4,5]

6. But I say this according to concession (T.N. in view of 5:1-5; 6:12-20), not according to [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's] mitzvoh.

7. But, I wish kol Bnei Adam even to be as I am; however, [this is impossible since] each has his own matanah (gift) from Hashem: one this; and another that.

8. But, I say to the bochrim and the almanot (widows), it is beneficial for them if they remain as I am;

9. But if they do not have shlitah atzmi, let them marry. For better it is to marry than with Eish to be set ablaze.

10. But to the ones having entered bibrit hanissuim (in covenant of marriage), I charge, not I but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, an isha is not to separate from her ba'al (husband). [Mal 2:14-16]

11. But, if indeed she is separated, let her remain so, or be reconciled to her basherter; and a ba'al should not leave his isha.

12. But, to the rest I --Sha'ul-- not Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, say: if any Ach b'Moshiach has an isha who is an Apikoros and she is willing to live with him, let him not leave her;

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