Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Corinth 1 3:14-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. If anyone's ma'aseh he built on the yesod will survive (Yn 15:16), a sachar (reward BERESHIS 15:1) he will receive;

15. If anyone's ma'aseh will be consumed, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved (Ep 2:8-9), yet so as through Eish (fire).

16. Do you not have da'as that you are a Heikhal Hashem and the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem dwells in you?

17. If anyone attempts to cause churban to the Heikhal Hashem, G-d will destroy this man, for the Heikhal Hashem is kadosh, and you (pl.) are that Heikhal.

18. Let no one deceive himself: if anyone presumes to be chacham among you in the Olam Hazeh, let him become a kesil (fool), that he may become chacham. [YESHAYAH 5:21]

19. For the chochmah (wisdom) of Olam Hazeh is narrishkait (foolishness) with Hashem. For it has been written, LOCHED CHACHAMIM BE'ARMAM ("He catches the wise in their own craftiness" IYOV 5:13).

20. And again, HASHEM YODE'A MACHSH'VOT ADAM KI HEMAH HEVEL ("The L-rd knows the thoughts of the wise that they are empty vanity" --TEHILLIM 94:11).

21. So let no one boast in Bnei Adam, for all things belong to you,

22. Whether Sha'ul or Apollos or Kefa or HaOlam (the world) or Chayyim (Life) or Mavet (Death) or things present or things to come; all things are yours,

23. And you are Moshiach's and Moshiach is G-d's.

Read complete chapter Kehilah In Corinth 1 3