Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Corinth 1 12:11-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. All these things are activated by the one and same Ruach Hakodesh, distributing individually to each one as He determines.

12. For even as the body is echad, and has many evarim (members), and all the evarim (members) of the body, though many, are one body, so is Moshiach.

13. For also in one Ruach Hakodesh we were all given a tevilah into one body, whether Yehudim or Yevanim (Greeks), whether avadim (slaves) or bnei Chorin (freedman), and all were given to drink, as it were, from one Ruach Hakodesh.

14. For the body is not one, but many, evarim (members).

15. If the regel (foot) says, "Because I am not a yad (hand), I am not of the body," that would not make it any less one of the evarim of the body.

16. And if the ozen (ear) says, "Because I am no ayin (eye), I am not of the body," that would not make it any less one of the evarim of the body.

17. If the whole body were an ayin (eye), where would be the hearing? If the whole body were hearing, where would be the smelling?

18. But now Hashem set the evarim (members), each one of them, in the body according to His ratzon (will), as He wanted.

19. And if all were all one evar (member), where would the body be?

20. As it is, though there are many evarim (members), there is but one body.

21. And the ayin (eye) is not able to say to the yad (hand), "I do not have need of you." Or, again, the rosh (head), speaking to the raglayim (feet), is not to say, "I have no need of you."

Read complete chapter Kehilah In Corinth 1 12