Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Corinth 1 1:24-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

24. Yet, to those whom Hashem has given the kri'ah (1C 1:1-2) and summoned, to HaKeru'im (to the Called Ones), both to Yehudim and to Yevanim Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Gevurat Hashem and the Chochmat Hashem.

25. For the so-called "sichlut" (foolishness) of Hashem has more chochmah than Bnei Adam, and the "weakness" of G-d has more koach (power) than Bnei Adam (1:18).

26. For you see your kri'ah (call), Achim b'Moshiach, what you were, that not many of you were chachamim (wise ones) by the standards of Bnei Adam, not many ba'alei hashpa'ah (people of influence), not many ba'alei zchus (privileged).

27. But Hashem in His bechirah (selection) chose the things of sichlut (foolishness), that He might bring the chachamim to bushah (shame); and Hashem in His bechirah (selection) chose the things of weakness that He might bring the strong to bushah (shame).

28. And those of the Olam Hazeh without mishpochah atzilah (noble birth) and those which are hanivzim (the despised, Isa 53:3) Hashem chose, choosing the things that are not, in order to bring to naught the things that are.

29. His tachlis (purpose) is that no basar (fallen humanity sold under the power of slave master Chet Kadmon, Original Sin, Rom. 7:14) may boast before Hashem.

30. But you are of Hashem in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua who became to us chochmah (wisdom) from Hashem, our Tzidkanut (Righteousness) and our Kedushah (Holiness) and our Geulah LaOlam (Redemption to the world), [Jer 23:5,6; 33:16]

31. Al menat (in order that), as it has been written, YITHALLEL HAMITHALLEL B'HASHEM ("The one boasting let him boast in the L-rd" YIRMEYAH 9:23).[TEHILLIM 34:2; 44:8]

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