Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Corinth 1 1:20-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. Where is the chacham (wise man)? Where is the sofer (scribe) of the yeshiva, where is the talmid chacham? Where is the philosophical debater of the Olam Hazeh? Did not Hashem make the so-called chochmah (wisdom) of the Olam Hazeh to look like narrishkait? [Isa 19:11,12; Job 12:17; Isa 44:25; Jer 8:9]

21. For, als (since)--and this was by the chochmah of Hashem--the Olam Hazeh did not by its chochmah have da'as of Hashem, G-d was pleased through the "sichlut" (foolishness) of the Hachrazah (Proclamation, Kerygma, Preaching) of the Besuras HaGeulah to save the ma'aminim (believers).

22. Yehudim ask for otot (signs Ex 7:3) and Yevanim (Greeks) seek chochmah,

23. But, we proclaim Moshiach and nivlato al haEtz ("his body on the Tree," DEVARIM 21:23): to Jews, a michshol (YESHAYAH 8:14); to Goyim, narrishkait (foolishness).

24. Yet, to those whom Hashem has given the kri'ah (1C 1:1-2) and summoned, to HaKeru'im (to the Called Ones), both to Yehudim and to Yevanim Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Gevurat Hashem and the Chochmat Hashem.

25. For the so-called "sichlut" (foolishness) of Hashem has more chochmah than Bnei Adam, and the "weakness" of G-d has more koach (power) than Bnei Adam (1:18).

26. For you see your kri'ah (call), Achim b'Moshiach, what you were, that not many of you were chachamim (wise ones) by the standards of Bnei Adam, not many ba'alei hashpa'ah (people of influence), not many ba'alei zchus (privileged).

27. But Hashem in His bechirah (selection) chose the things of sichlut (foolishness), that He might bring the chachamim to bushah (shame); and Hashem in His bechirah (selection) chose the things of weakness that He might bring the strong to bushah (shame).

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