Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Colossae 1:9-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Therefore, we also, from the day that we heard, do not cease davening for you and offering tefillos that you be filled with da'as of the ratzon Hashem [1:1] in all chochmah and binah in the Ruach Hakodesh.

10. And this is the purpose: that you walk in hitnahagut (conduct) worthy of Adoneinu in every way pleasing to him in every mitzvoh bearing p'ri in the da'as of Hashem,

11. With all ko'ach being empowered according to the gevurah (power) of his kavod for all zitzfleisch (patience) and savlanut (longsuffering) with lev same'ach (glad heart),

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