Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Colossae 1:26-29 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

26. The raz (mystery) having been hidden from olamim and from dor v'dor, but now made manifest to the Kadoshim of Moshiach,

27. To whom Hashem wanted to make hisgalus of what is the spiritual osher of the kavod of this raz among the non-Jews: Moshiach in you, the tikvah of kavod.

28. It is Moshiach who is the subject of our hattafah (preaching), warning every man and teaching every man in all chochmah, that we may present every man Bnei Chayil mature in Moshiach.

29. For this also I toil, striving according to the hitlahavut (inspiration, enthusiasm) of Him working in me with gevurah.

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