Old Testament

New Testament

Kehilah In Colossae 1:10-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. And this is the purpose: that you walk in hitnahagut (conduct) worthy of Adoneinu in every way pleasing to him in every mitzvoh bearing p'ri in the da'as of Hashem,

11. With all ko'ach being empowered according to the gevurah (power) of his kavod for all zitzfleisch (patience) and savlanut (longsuffering) with lev same'ach (glad heart),

12. Giving todot to Elohim HaAv. Elohim HaAv is the One who has qualified you for the share of the allotted nachalah (inheritance, TEHILLIM 16:5-6) of the Kadoshim in Ohr (Light);

13. Elohim HaAv is the One who rescued nafsheinu (our souls) from the memshalet (dominion) of Choshech and transferred us into the Malchut of the Ben HaElohim of His ahavah,

14. In whom we have the pedut (redemption, Geulah release on payment of ransom) through the [kapporah] dahm of Moshiach the selicha (forgiveness) of chatoteinu (our sins).

15. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the demut (BERESHIS 1:26-27; Pp 2:6) of the invisible G-d, the Bechor [TEHILLIM 89:27], the Yoresh (Heir) of kol hanivrah (all creation),

16. Because in Him were created all things in Shomayim and on Ha'Aretz, the visible and the nistar (hidden), whether thrones or dominions, whether rulers or authorities, all things through Him and for Him have been created. [TEHILLIM 33:6]

17. And Moshiach is before all things, and all things in Moshiach have been held together; [MISHLE 8:23-27; 30:4]

18. And Moshiach is the Rosh [MISHLE 8:22; 30:4] of the Geviyah (Body) [Gn 47:18; Ps 16:9-10; Isa 53:11; Job 19:25-27], and the Geviyah (nevilah, DEVARIM 21:23) is Moshiach's Brit Chadasha Kehillah; Moshiach is its Reshit, the Bechor from the Mesim, that Moshiach might be in everything pre-eminent, [TEHILLIM 89:27]

19. Because Hashem was pleased that all His fullness have its mishkan (tabernacle) in Moshiach,

20. And through Moshiach to bring ritztzuy (reconciliation, cessation of enmity, hostility between a wrathful holy G-d and sinful Bnei Adam) between all things and Himself, having made shalom through the dahm of the kapporah of HaEtz HaMoshiach [Dt 21:23; Isa 52:15; Lv 16:15-16], whether the things on HaAretz or the things in HaShomayim.

21. And you, once having been alienated and oyvim (enemies) in the mind by ma'asim hara'im (evil deeds),

22. Yet now Moshiach reconciled in the Guf (body) [1:18] of his basar [TEHILLIM 16:9-10] through Moshiach's histalkus [Dan 9:26; Isa 53:8-9] to present you, Kadoshim holy and without mum (defect, VAYIKRA 22:20) and without reproach before Him,

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