Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 2 2:6-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. And if Hashem judged the cities of S'dom and Amora, reducing them to ashes by a churban catastrophe, making them a mofet (an example) for the ones intending to be resha'im;

7. And if Hashem delivered Lot, a tzaddik distressed by the hitnahagut (conduct) of the mufkarim (lawless 2:8,10; 3:17) walking in darchei zimah (the ways of licentiousness)

8. For that tzaddik, living among them day after day, was tortured in his nefesh hayesharah (honest soul) by the darchei mufkarim (the ways of lawless ones) that he saw and heard

9. Then Hashem knows how to rescue the chasidim from trial and how to preserve the anshei resha (men of wickedness) for punishment for the Yom HaDin,

10. Especially the ones going after the basar (flesh) in ta'avah (lust) producing tum'a (defilement) and the ones despising kol samchut (Mt 28:18). Bold and selfwilled, these have no yirat Shomayim and therefore commit Chillul Hashem as they slander the glorious ones,

11. Whereas malachim, being greater b'oz and koach (in strength and power), al kol panim (nevertheless) do not bring against them a slanderous judgment before Hashem.

12. But these men, like irrational beasts born b'derech hatevah (naturally) to be caught and killed, commit Chillul Hashem in matters where they lack da'as. In the destruction of [the beasts], they also will be destroyed,

13. Suffering harm as onesh (penalty) for harm done. They actually think there is ta'anug (pleasure) in reveling in broad daylight. They are mumim (defects) and spots reveling in their ta'nugot (evil pleasures) even while they sit at seudot (banquet dinners) with you.

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