Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 2 1:5-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. For this very reason, you must apply all zerizut (diligence) to supply emunah with midah hatov (the attribute of virtue), and midah hatov with da'as (knowledge),

6. And da'as with shlitah atzmit (self-control), and shlitah atzmit with chozek (fortitude) and chozek with chasidus (piety),

7. And chassidus with ahavah shel achvah (brotherly love), and ahavah shel achvah with ahavah (agape).

8. For if these midos are in you increasingly, they will forestall you from being batlanim (idlers) and lo poreh (unfruitful) in the da'as (personal saving knowledge) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.

9. For the one with whom these middos chasidus (qualities of piety) are not present is an ivver (blind man), being shortsighted, having forgotten the tohorah (cleansing) of his past averos.

10. Therefore, Achim b'Moshiach, be eagerly diligent to make your kri'ah (summons) and bechirah (election) sure, for, if you do these things, you will never fall over a michshol (stumbling block).

11. For thus will be richly provided for you the entrance into the Malchut Olam of Adoneinu and Moshieinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

12. Therefore, it is my tachlis (purpose, final end) always to remind you concerning these things, even though you have da'as of them and have been stabilized in HaEmes that you have.

13. But I consider it befitting, as long as I am in this ohel, to arouse you with a tizkoret (reminder),

14. Als (since) I know that the putting off of my mishkan is imminent, as indeed Adoneinu Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua made clear to me.

15. And also I am eager to cause you to always possess the zichron (memory) of these things after my exodus. [T.N. Written shortly before his death al kiddush ha-Shem for his Moshiach. See Bodmer papyrus p72 showing early attestation of this authentic last will and testament of Kefa whom Nero caused to be killed.]

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