Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 2 1:13-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. But I consider it befitting, as long as I am in this ohel, to arouse you with a tizkoret (reminder),

14. Als (since) I know that the putting off of my mishkan is imminent, as indeed Adoneinu Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua made clear to me.

15. And also I am eager to cause you to always possess the zichron (memory) of these things after my exodus. [T.N. Written shortly before his death al kiddush ha-Shem for his Moshiach. See Bodmer papyrus p72 showing early attestation of this authentic last will and testament of Kefa whom Nero caused to be killed.]

16. For we had not followed cleverly crafted aggadot or doichek (farfetched) bubbemeises or reid (hearsay) when we made known to you the gevurah (miraculous power) of Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua and the Bi'as HaMoshiach of him; no, we had been edei re'iyah (eyewitnesses) of Moshiach's majestic gedulah (greatness).

17. For having received from Elohim HaAv kavod va'oz, the bat kol was conveyed to Moshiach by the Majestic Glory, "ZEH BENI AHUVI ASHER BO CHAFATSTI" ("This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased" TEHILLIM 2:7; BERESHIS 22:2; YESHAYAH 42:1).

18. And this bat kol we heard out of Shomayim, having been brought with Moshiach upon the Har HaKodesh.

19. And we have the Dvar HaNevu'ah (Word of Prophecy) made more sure, to which you do well in giving heed as to a menorah shining in a place of choshech until HaYom [of Olam Habah 3:18] dawns and the Kochav (Star BAMIDBAR 24:17) haNogah (of Brightness, Venus) rises in your levavot (hearts).

20. Knowing this first: that every nevu'ah (prophecy) of the Kitvei Hakodesh is not of one's own interpretation.

21. For no nevu'ah was at any time brought by the ratzon HaBnei Adam (will of Man), but men being carried along by the Ruach Hakodesh spoke from Hashem.

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