Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 1 3:16-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. But with anavah (meekness) and yirat Shomayim, having a clear matzpun (conscience [3:21]), so that, when you are maligned by lashon hora, your abusers may be humiliated by your midas chasidus in Moshiach.

17. For im yirtzeh Hashem (if the L-rd wills), it is better to suffer tzoros for doing mitzvot than for doing ra'ah.

18. Because, indeed, Moshiach suffered once on behalf of chatta'im (sins), a Tzaddik (righteous one) on behalf of the chote'im (unrighteous ones, sinners), that he might bring you to Hashem he, having been in the basar [TEHILLIM 16:9-10] put to death, yet, in the Ruach Hakodesh, having been made alive [4:6]; [see Isa 53:8]

19. In which also to the ruchot (spirits) in mishmar (prison), having gone, Moshiach made the hachrazah (proclamation, kerygma)

20. To ones without mishma'at (obedience) back then when the zitzfleisch (patience) of Hashem was waiting, in the days of Noach, while the Teva (Ark) was being prepared, in which a few, that is shemoneh nefashot (eight souls), were delivered through that mabbul's mikveh mayim;

21. And Moshiach's tevilah in the mikveh mayim, which this mabbul prefigures, now delivers you, not by means of the removal of filth from the basar, but through the hitchaiy'vut (pledge) of a clean matzpun toward Hashem, through the Techiyas HaMoshiach Yehoshua,

22. Who is at the right hand of Hashem, having gone into Shomayim, with malachim and rashuyot (authorities) and gevurot under his feet.

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