Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 1 2:19-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. For this is worthy of shevach (praise, commendation) if, because of a consciousness of Hashem, anyone bears up under tzoros (troubles) while suffering unjustly.

20. For what shevach (praise) is it if, after committing chatta'im (sins) and being beaten, you endure? But if being osei tzedek (doers of what is right) and suffering, then you endure, this is worthy of shevach before Hashem.

21. It was for this tachlis (purpose) [of your being osei tzedek and suffering] that you were given your kri'ah (calling), because also Moshiach suffered on behalf of you [Isa 53:5-6], leaving you a mofet (example), that you should follow be'ikvot Moshiach (in the steps of Moshiach),

22. Who was beli chet (without sin) V'LO MIRMAH BEFIV ("and no deceit was in his mouth" Isa 53:9);

23. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, who, being reviled, did not retaliate; suffering, he did not utter iyumim (threats), but handed himself over, entrusting himself to the Shofet Tzedek (Righteous Judge [4:5]);

24. Moshiach, who himself NASAH (bore, carried away, Isa 53:4, 12) ES PEYSHA'EINU (our transgressions, our sins YESHAYAH 53:5,8,12) in geviyyato [BERESHIS 47:18; YESHAYAH 53:5] on HAETZ [DEVARIM 21:23] that, having become niftarim (deceased ones) to chattoteinu, we might become Kol Chai (all living) to Tzidkanut (Righteousness); UVACHAVURATO NIRPA LANU ("by whose wounds you were healed" YESHAYAH 53:5).

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