Old Testament

New Testament

Kefa 1 1:14-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. As Bnei Mishma'at (Children of Obedience 1:2), not conforming yourselves to your former ta'avot (lusts), when you lacked da'as (personal, saving knowledge),

15. But, als (since) the One who bestows on you the kri'ah (calling) is KADOSH HU (TEHILLIM 99:5), so also yourselves become Kadoshim in hitnahagut (conduct),

16. Because it says in the Torah, KEDOSHIM TIH'YU KI KADOSH ANI ("You must be holy ones for I am holy" VAYIKRA 19:2).

17. And if you call upon as "Avinu" [Mt.6:9] the One who is the impartial Shofet (Shofet kol ha'aretz) of each man L'ISH K'MA'ASEIHU ("To each according to his deeds" TEHILLIM 62:13), then conduct yourself with yirat Shomayim during your time in the Golus of the Olam Hazeh,

18. Having da'as that the padut nafsheynu (redemption ransom of our souls) was not with perishable things such as silver or gold when your Geulah (Redemption) was purchased from the Derech HaHevel (empty way of life) handed down to you from your Avot.

19. No, it was the precious DAHM (VAYIKRA 17:11) as of a SEH TAMIM U'MUM ("lamb unblemished and unspotted" SHEMOT 12:5; VAYIKRA 22:20; YESHAYAH 53:7,9), the DAHM of Moshiach (Mt.26:28)

20. Who, on the one hand, having been foreknown lifnei hivvased tevel (before the foundation of the world), but, on the other hand, having been manifested [5:4] at the Ketz Hayamim (End of Days) because of you.

21. Through him [Moshiach] you have emunah in Hashem, the One who brought forth the Techiyas HaMoshiach from HaMesim (the dead ones) and gave him Kavod. And so your emunah and your tikvah [1:13] are in Hashem.

22. Having purified your nefashot (souls) by mishma'at (obedience 1:2) to HaEmes, resulting in ahavah shel achvah (brotherly love) without tzevi'ut (hypocrisy), have fervent ahavah (agape) for one another, from a lev tahor.

23. You have been given a new birth [Yn 3:3], not from perishable zerah (seed), but zerah that is without shachat (corruption TEHILLIM 16:10), through the Dvar Hashem who is Chai v'Nitzav l'Olam (living and remaining firm forever).

24. For, "All flesh is grass and all of [mankind's] glory is like the flower: the grass withers, the flower falls,

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