Old Testament

New Testament

Hisgalus 21:7-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. "The one who wins the nitzachon (victory), shall inherit these things and I will be his G-d and he will be to Me beni (my son). [SHMUEL BAIS 7:14]

8. "But for those of morech lev (cowardliness) and those without emunah (faith) and the ones having become vile and ratzchaniyot (murderers) and zonim (fornicators) and mekhashfim (sorcerers) and ovdei haelilim (idolaters) and all the shakranit (liars), their chelek [see Yn 13:8] will be in the Agam (Lake) burning with Eish (fire) and Gofrit (sulfur), which is HaMavet HaSheyni (the Second Death)." [TEHILLIM 5:6; YESHAYAH 66:24]

9. And one of the shivat hamalachim having the sheva ke'arot (bowls) being full of the last sheva makkot (plagues), came and spoke with me, saying "Bo! I will show you the Kallah of the SEH" (Lamb, SHEMOT 12:3; YESHAYAH 53:7 Moshiach).

10. And he carried me away in the Ruach Hakodesh onto a great and high mountain, and showed me the Ir Hakodesh, Yerushalayim, descending and coming down out of Shomayim from Hashem, [YECHEZKEL 40:2]

11. Having the Shekhinah kavod (glory) of Hashem. Her brilliance, was like a precious stone, even a jasper, clear as crystal, [YESHAYAH 60:1,2; YECHEZKEL 43:2]

12. Having a great and high wall, having Shneym Asar She'arim (Twelve Gates), and at the She'arim (Gates), Shneym Asar malachim (Twelve angels), and SHEMOT (Names) were inscribed on them, which are the shemot (names) of the Shneym Asar Shivtei HaBnei Yisroel (Twelve Tribes of the Bnei Yisroel). [YECHEZKEL 48:30-34]

13. There were shloshah she'arim (three gates) on the mizrach (east), there were shloshah she'arim on the tzafon (north), and shloshah she'arim on the darom (south) and shloshah she'arim on the ma'arav (west).

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