Old Testament

New Testament

Hisgalus 18:16-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. "Saying, 'Oy, oy, the Ir Hagedolah, the one having clothed herself with fine linen and purple and scarlet and having been gilded with gold and precious stone and pearl,

17. `Because in one hour such great wealth, was laid waste.' "And there stood afar off every steersman, and everyone sailing the sea, and sailors and all who commerce on the sea. [YECHEZKEL 27:28-30]

18. "And they were crying out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, `What Ir (City) is like the Ir Hagedolah?' [YECHEZKEL 27:32]

19. "And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and wailing, saying, 'Oy, oy, the Ir Hagedolah, by which from her wealth, all the ones having ships in the sea became rich, because in one hour she was laid waste.' [YEHOSHUA 7:6; EKHAH 2:10; YECHEZKEL 27:30,31]

20. "Have lev same'ach over her, O Shomayim! You Kadoshim and Shlichim and Nevi'im, for Hashem has given mishpat for you against her." [YIRMEYAH 51:48]

21. And a malach chazak (strong angel) lifted up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, "Thus will Bavel the Ir Hagedolah be violently thrown down, and never would it be found any longer. [YIRMEYAH 51:63]

22. "And the sound of harpers, those playing the nevel (harp), and of musicians and of flutists and of trumpeters will be heard in you no more and every oman (artist) of every craft will be found in you no more, and the sound of a mill, would be heard in you no more. [YESHAYAH 24:8; YECHEZKEL 26:13; YIRMEYAH 25:10]

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