Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 4:23-35 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. And, after having been released, the Moshiach's Shlichim came to their own, and reported all the things the Rashei Hakohanim and the Zekenim had said to them.

24. And having heard this, the people lifted their voices to Hashem with one mind, and said, "Rabbono Shel Olam, you are the one BARAH ES HASHOMAYIM V'ES HA'ARETZ and the yam and all that is in them, [BERESHIS 1:1; NECHEMYAH 9:6; IYOV 41:11; YESHAYAH 37:16; TEHILLIM 146:6; SHEMOT 20:11]

25. "And You are the One Who by the Ruach Hakodesh through the mouth of Avinu Dovid Your eved, said, LAMMAH RAGESHU GOYIM UL'UMMIM YEHIGU RIK ("Why did the Goyim rage and the peoples plot vain and futile things?")

26. YITYATZVU MALKHEI ERETZ V'ROZNIM NOSEDU YACHAD AL HASHEM V'AL MOSHIACHO (`The kings of the earth took their stand, and the rulers assembled together against Hashem and against His Moshiach.') [TEHILLIM 2:1,2; DANIEL 9:25]

27. "For be'emes (in truth) in this Ir (City), keneged (in opposition, against) Your Eved HaKadosh Yehoshua whom You did anoint, there were assembled both Herod and Pontius Pilate along with the Goyim and HaAm Yisroel, [TEHILLIM 61:1, 2:1f; YESHAYAH 53; ZECHARYAH 12:10]

28. "To do whatever that was by Your hand and by Your ratzon (will) it was nigzar merosh (predestined) to occur.

29. "And now, Adonoi, look upon their threats and grant that Your avadim may speak Your dvar with all ometz lev (courage, boldness), [TEHILLIM 138:3]

30. "While You stretch out Your hand for refu'ah and otot and moftim to occur through the Shem of Your Eved HaKadosh Yehoshua."

31. And after they had davened, the place in which they had assembled was shaken and everyone was filled with the Ruach Hakodesh and they were speaking the dvar Hashem with ometz lev (courage, boldness).

32. Now the Messianic Kehillah velt (community) of the ones having had emunah had achdus in lev (heart) and nefesh (soul), and not one was saying that any of the possessions belonging to him was his own, but everything to them was in common.

33. And with gevaltike (extraordinary) ko'ach (power) the Moshiach's Shlichim were giving eidus (testimony) of the Techiyas of Yehoshua Adoneinu. And great Chen v'Chesed Hashem was upon them all.

34. For there was no one needy among them, for as many as were owners of sadot or batim were selling them and were bringing the proceeds of the sale

35. And were placing them at the feet of Moshiach's Shlichim and were distributing to each one as anyone was nitzrach (needy).

Read complete chapter Gevurot 4