Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 20:8-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. And there were a number of menorot in the upper story, where we had assembled.

9. And a certain bocher, by the name of Eutychus, was sitting on the window sill and began to succumb to a deep sleep while Rav Sha'ul was saying a shiur that went on and on. Overcome by this sleep, Eutychus fell from the third story downwards, and was picked up dead.

10. And having come down, Rav Sha'ul fell upon him, and, having embraced him, Rav Sha'ul said, "Do not be troubled, for his neshamah is in him." [MELACHIM ALEF 17:21; MELACHIM BAIS 4:34]

11. And having gone up and, at the Betzi'at HaLechem, having partaken of it, and having spoken until Shacharis, thus Rav Sha'ul departed.

12. And they led away the bochur chai! And they were not a little comforted.

13. And we went ahead to the oniyah (sailing vessel) and set sail for Assos, where we were intending to take Rav Sha'ul on board, for he had arranged it so, intending to travel himself there by land.

14. When Rav Sha'ul met us in Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene.

15. And from there, having sailed away, we arrived on the next day opposite Chios. And then the day following we crossed over to Samos, and, on the following day, we came to Miletus.

16. For Rav Sha'ul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so he would not have to spend time in [the Province of] Asia, for he was hurrying in order that, if possible, he might by Shavu'os go up to Yerushalayim.

17. And from Miletus, having sent to Ephesus, Rav Sha'ul summoned the Ziknei HaKehillah.

18. And when they came to him, he said to them, "You have da'as from the yom harishon in which I set foot in Asia how I was with you the entire time,

19. "My avodas kodesh service to Hashem with all anavah (humility) and tears and tzoros, and all that happened to me by the kesharim of the [unbelieving] Yehudim;

20. "How I kept back nothing profitable from you, but kept giving you messianic drashot and shiurim publicly and from bais to bais, [TEHILLIM 40:10; YIRMEYAH 26:2; 42:2]

21. "Bearing solemn edut both to Yehudim and Yevanim about teshuva toward Hashem and emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.

22. "And now, hinei, having been bound by the Ruach Hakodesh, I am going to Yerushalayim, not having da'as of the things that are going to happen to me there,

Read complete chapter Gevurot 20