Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 20:29-38 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. "I have da'as that after my departure savage ze'evim (wolves) will come in among you, not sparing the eder (flock). [YECHEZKEL 34:5]

30. "And from you yourselves will rise up anashim speaking perverted doctrines in order to draw away talmidim after themselves.

31. "Therefore, be shomer, remembering that for shloshah shanim, yomam v'lailah, I did not stop admonishing each one of you with tears.

32. "And now I commend you to Hashem and to the Dvar HaChen v'Chesed Hashem which is able to build you up and give you a nachalah (inheritance) among all the kadoshim.

33. "I coveted no one's silver or gold or shtreimel. [SHMUEL ALEF 12:3]

34. "You yourselves have da'as that these hands of mine supported all my needs as well as the needs of those with me.

35. "In all this I was showing you a mofet (example) that thus working hard it is necessary to help the weak and to have zikaron of the dvarim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua, that he himself said, `Beser (better) to geben (give) than to nemen (take).'"

36. And having said these things, Rav Sha'ul fell down and, with them all, began davening.

37. And there was much weeping among them, and, having fallen upon the neck of Rav Sha'ul, they were kissing him,

38. with agmat nefesh above all at the dvar in which Rav Sha'ul had said that no longer would they see his face again. And they were accompanying him to the oniyah.

Read complete chapter Gevurot 20