Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 20:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And after the uproar had ended, Rav Sha'ul summoned the Moshiach's talmidim and, having exhorted them, and having taken his leave, he departed to go to Macedonia.

2. And having traveled through those regions and having exhorted the Moshiach's talmidim there with many words, Rav Sha'ul came to Greece.

3. And after he had spent shloshah chodashim there, Rav Sha'ul was about to set sail for Syria when a kesher (conspiracy) was plotted against him by the [unbelieving] Yehudim, and so Rav Sha'ul decided to return through Macedonia.

4. And accompanying Rav Sha'ul from Berea was Sopater the son of Pyrrhus; from Thessalonica was Aristarchus and Secundus; from Derbe, Gaius; and from Asia, Timotiyos, Tychicus and Trophimus.

5. And these, having gone ahead, were waiting for us in Troas.

6. And we sailed away after the Yamim HaMatzot [i.e., Pesach] from Philippi, and within chamash yamim we came to them in Troas, where we stayed shivah yamim.

7. And on Yom Rishon, when we met for tish (it was Motzoei Shabbos when there was a Melaveh Malkeh communal meal), Rav Sha'ul was saying a shiur to them, since he would have to depart early the next day and was having to extend the message until chatzot halailah.

8. And there were a number of menorot in the upper story, where we had assembled.

Read complete chapter Gevurot 20