Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 2:29-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

29. "Anashim Achim, it is permitted to speak with bitachon (confidence) to you benoigeia (regarding) Dovid Avinu, that also he died and was buried and his kever (tomb) is with us until this day. [MELACHIM ALEF 2:10; NECHEMYAH 3:16]

30. "Therefore, being a Navi and having da'as that with a shevu'ah (an oath) HASHEM swore to him that from his loins his zera would sit upon his KISSE... [TEHILLIM 132:11; 89:3-4; SHMUEL BAIS 7:12-13]

31. "Foreseeing this, Dovid Hamelech spoke about the Techiyas HaMoshiach: neither was he "abandoned to destruction nor did his BASAR see corruption." [BERESHIS 47:18; TEHILLIM 16:9-10; IYOV 19:25-27; YESHAYAH 53:11]

32. "This Yehoshua in fact Hashem made to stand up alive again, of which we all are Edim (T.N. i.e., here the original language means "martyr witnesses unto mavet al Kiddush ha-Shem").

33. "Having been exalted to the right hand of Hashem and having received the havtachah of the Ruach Hakodesh from [Elohim] HaAv, Moshiach poured out this which you also see and hear.

34. "For Dovid Hamelech did not ascend into Shomayim, but he says, "Hashem says to Adoni, SHEV LIMINI ("sit down at my right hand")

35. Until I make OYVECHA ("your enemies") your footstool." [TEHILLIM 110:1]

36. "Therefore, assuredly let Klal Yisroel have da'as that this Yehoshua, whom you made talui al HaEtz (being hanged on the Tree, DEVARIM 21:23), this one Hashem has made both Adoneinu and Rabbeinu, Melech HaMoshiach."

Read complete chapter Gevurot 2