Old Testament

New Testament

Gevurot 13:37-42 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

37. "But whom Hashem made to stand up alive again did not experience decay.

38. "Let it be known, therefore, to you, Anashim Achim, that through this one, selicha (forgiveness) of chatta'im (averos [sins]) is proclaimed to you; and from all things of which by the Torah of Moshe Rabbenu you were not able to be justified,

39. "By this one everyone having emunah is justified.

40. "Be shomer then that the thing having been spoken by the Nevi'im (Prophets) may not come upon you,

41. "Look," scoffers, "And be amazed and marvel, and stand in awe" and perish, "because I am working a work in your yamim, a work which you may by no means believe if someone should tell you." [CHABAKUK 1:5 TARGUM HASHIVIM]

42. And as Rav Sha'ul and Bar-Nabba were going out, the people were begging that these dvarim be spoken to them the following Shabbos.

Read complete chapter Gevurot 13