Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 72:1-10 New Living Translation (NLT)

1. Give your love of justice to the king, O God,and righteousness to the king’s son.

2. Help him judge your people in the right way;let the poor always be treated fairly.

3. May the mountains yield prosperity for all,and may the hills be fruitful.

4. Help him to defend the poor,to rescue the children of the needy,and to crush their oppressors.

5. May they fear you as long as the sun shines,as long as the moon remains in the sky.Yes, forever!

6. May the king’s rule be refreshing like spring rain on freshly cut grass,like the showers that water the earth.

7. May all the godly flourish during his reign.May there be abundant prosperity until the moon is no more.

8. May he reign from sea to sea,and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.

9. Desert nomads will bow before him;his enemies will fall before him in the dust.

10. The western kings of Tarshish and other distant landswill bring him tribute.The eastern kings of Sheba and Sebawill bring him gifts.

Read complete chapter Psalms 72