Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 140:6-13 New Living Translation (NLT)

6. I said to the lord, “You are my God!”Listen, O  lord, to my cries for mercy!

7. O Sovereign lord, the strong one who rescued me,you protected me on the day of battle.

8. lord, do not let evil people have their way.Do not let their evil schemes succeed,or they will become proud.Interlude

9. Let my enemies be destroyedby the very evil they have planned for me.

10. Let burning coals fall down on their heads.Let them be thrown into the fireor into watery pits from which they can’t escape.

11. Don’t let liars prosper here in our land.Cause great disasters to fall on the violent.

12. But I know the lord will help those they persecute;he will give justice to the poor.

13. Surely righteous people are praising your name;the godly will live in your presence.

Read complete chapter Psalms 140