Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 6:9-19 New Living Translation (NLT)

9. “If someone falls dead beside them, the hair they have dedicated will be defiled. They must wait for seven days and then shave their heads. Then they will be cleansed from their defilement.

10. On the eighth day they must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to the priest at the entrance of the Tabernacle.

11. The priest will offer one of the birds for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. In this way, he will purify them from the guilt they incurred through contact with the dead body. Then they must reaffirm their commitment and let their hair begin to grow again.

12. The days of their vow that were completed before their defilement no longer count. They must rededicate themselves to the lord as a Nazirite for the full term of their vow, and each must bring a one-year-old male lamb for a guilt offering.

13. “This is the ritual law for Nazirites. At the conclusion of their time of separation as Nazirites, they must each go to the entrance of the Tabernacle

14. and offer their sacrifices to the lord: a one-year-old male lamb without defect for a burnt offering, a one-year-old female lamb without defect for a sin offering, a ram without defect for a peace offering,

15. a basket of bread made without yeast—cakes of choice flour mixed with olive oil and wafers spread with olive oil—along with their prescribed grain offerings and liquid offerings.

16. The priest will present these offerings before the lord: first the sin offering and the burnt offering;

17. then the ram for a peace offering, along with the basket of bread made without yeast. The priest must also present the prescribed grain offering and liquid offering to the lord.

18. “Then the Nazirites will shave their heads at the entrance of the Tabernacle. They will take the hair that had been dedicated and place it on the fire beneath the peace-offering sacrifice.

19. After the Nazirite’s head has been shaved, the priest will take for each of them the boiled shoulder of the ram, and he will take from the basket a cake and a wafer made without yeast. He will put them all into the Nazirite’s hands.

Read complete chapter Numbers 6