Old Testament

New Testament

Job 34:29-34 New Living Translation (NLT)

29. But if he chooses to remain quiet,who can criticize him?When he hides his face, no one can find him,whether an individual or a nation.

30. He prevents the godless from rulingso they cannot be a snare to the people.

31. “Why don’t people say to God, ‘I have sinned,but I will sin no more’?

32. Or ‘I don’t know what evil I have done—tell me.If I have done wrong, I will stop at once’?

33. “Must God tailor his justice to your demands?But you have rejected him!The choice is yours, not mine.Go ahead, share your wisdom with us.

34. After all, bright people will tell me,and wise people will hear me say,

Read complete chapter Job 34