Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 51:48-55 New Living Translation (NLT)

48. Then the heavens and earth will rejoice,for out of the north will come destroying armiesagainst Babylon,” says the lord.

49. “Just as Babylon killed the people of Israeland others throughout the world,so must her people be killed.

50. Get out, all you who have escaped the sword!Do not stand and watch—flee while you can!Remember the lord, though you are in a far-off land,and think about your home in Jerusalem.”

51. “We are ashamed,” the people say.“We are insulted and disgracedbecause the lord’s Templehas been defiled by foreigners.”

52. “Yes,” says the lord, “but the time is comingwhen I will destroy Babylon’s idols.The groans of her wounded peoplewill be heard throughout the land.

53. Though Babylon reaches as high as the heavensand makes her fortifications incredibly strong,I will still send enemies to plunder her.I, the lord, have spoken!

54. “Listen! Hear the cry of Babylon,the sound of great destruction from the land of the Babylonians.

55. For the lord is destroying Babylon.He will silence her loud voice.Waves of enemies pound against her;the noise of battle rings through the city.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 51