Old Testament

New Testament

Habakkuk 2:8-14 New International Version (NIV)

8. Because you have plundered many nations, the peoples who are left will plunder you. For you have shed human blood; you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.

9. “Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain, setting his nest on high to escape the clutches of ruin!

10. You have plotted the ruin of many peoples, shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.

11. The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.

12. “Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed and establishes a town by injustice!

13. Has not the Lord Almighty determined that the people’s labor is only fuel for the fire, that the nations exhaust themselves for nothing?

14. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Read complete chapter Habakkuk 2