Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 12:4-10 New International Version (NIV)

4. During the daytime, while they watch, bring out your belongings packed for exile. Then in the evening, while they are watching, go out like those who go into exile.

5. While they watch, dig through the wall and take your belongings out through it.

6. Put them on your shoulder as they are watching and carry them out at dusk. Cover your face so that you cannot see the land, for I have made you a sign to the Israelites.”

7. So I did as I was commanded. During the day I brought out my things packed for exile. Then in the evening I dug through the wall with my hands. I took my belongings out at dusk, carrying them on my shoulders while they watched.

8. In the morning the word of the Lord came to me:

9. “Son of man, did not the Israelites, that rebellious people, ask you, ‘What are you doing?’

10. “Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: This prophecy concerns the prince in Jerusalem and all the Israelites who are there.’

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 12