Old Testament

New Testament

Lamentations 3:5-14 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

5. He has besieged me and surrounded mewith bitterness and hardship.

6. He has made me dwell in darknesslike those long dead.

7. He has walled me in so that I cannot escape;he has weighed me down with chains.

8. Even when I call out or cry for help,he shuts out my prayer.

9. He has barred my way with blocks of stone;he has made my paths crooked.

10. Like a bear lying in wait,like a lion in hiding,

11. he dragged me from the path and mangled meand left me without help.

12. He drew his bowand made me the target for his arrows.

13. He pierced my heartwith arrows from his quiver.

14. I became the laughing-stock of all my people;they mock me in song all day long.

Read complete chapter Lamentations 3