Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 56:4-7 New International Version Anglicized (NIVUK)

4. For this is what the Lord says:‘To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,who choose what pleases meand hold fast to my covenant –

5. to them I will give within my temple and its wallsa memorial and a namebetter than sons and daughters;I will give them an everlasting namethat will endure for ever.

6. And foreigners who bind themselves to the Lordto minister to him,to love the name of the Lord,and to be his servants,all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating itand who hold fast to my covenant –

7. these I will bring to my holy mountainand give them joy in my house of prayer.Their burnt offerings and sacrificeswill be accepted on my altar;for my house will be calleda house of prayer for all nations.’

Read complete chapter Isaiah 56